The Old Malvernian Lodge No 4363 is a Freemasons’ Lodge for Old Malvernians, Governors, Masters and Officers of Malvern College, present and past, whether already a Freemason or those interested in becoming one. It is part of the Public School Lodges’ Council; a forum for the private lodges of many of England’s great public schools.
Formed in 1921 the Lodge is fast approaching its Centenary.
We welcome enquiries from anyone interested in finding out more about Freemasonry. Also, those who are already Freemasons are warmly welcomed to join us; especially those from PSLC Lodges or Old Malvernians from other Lodges.
Members of the Lodge meet in London three times each year: in January, April and October. For our June meeting we return to Malvern College to celebrate our Freemasonry which gives us the opportunity to support College charities and initiatives.
The following may be useful if you are looking to find out more about Freemasonry:
Useful Booklet – “Are you thinking of becoming a Freemason?”
If you are unsure where to start click here.
Under the constitution of UGLE the Old Malvernian Lodge is restricted to men. Lady Old Malvernians are welcome to contact the Secretary who will be able to connect them with the HFAF.