Major Aubrey Isaac Rothwell Butler was a school prefect at Malvern and played in the 2nd XI for both cricket and football. He was from Monmouthshire, his father being a JP and Sheriff on Monmouthshire, an office Aubrey would in turn fulfil from 1924. He also served of the Pontypool Board of Guardians and Monmouthshire County Council
Professionally he also followed in his father’s footsteps. His father is credited with rolling the first sheet of steel in the UK.Aubrey would work also in the iron, steel and chemical manufacturing industry. He managed the Baldwin’s in Monmouth & Midlands, and became a director of the company which eventually became part of British Steel. He was also a Director of Union Steel Corporation of South Africa.
He was a territorial officer with the 1st Monmouthshire Royal Garrison Artillery, and saw service in the Great War.
He was initiated into the London Irish Rifles Lodge No 2312.